Saturday, August 31, 2019

History of Eugenics: How Those in Power Shape the Perfect Human Essay

Eugenics, the study of hereditary traits with the aim of producing an ideal human, and â€Å"on a societal level, programs that control human reproduction with the intent of changing the genetic structureof the population†, (Lewis, 299) are not a new concept. The history of eugenics reaches as far back as 400 B. C. , and extends to dates as recent as 1994. From Athens to Sparta, United States to Germany and China, the quest to improve the human race has spanned the world. ‘Improve’, however, is a highly subjective term. Who decides what an ideal human looks like? And what are the appropriate ways to build a race of such people? The answers to these questions have changed throughout the centuries. People considered ‘ideal’ by the eugenics program in one culture would be scheduled to be euthanized as ‘undesirable’ in another culture a few centuries later. Upon reviewing the history of eugenics, it becomes apparent that the section of a society in power at a particular time in history, usually seeks to eliminate those least like themselves, in order to impose not only their values, but their very phenotype on society at large. The first written accounts of eugenics reach back to 386 B. C. In his work â€Å"The Republic†, a description and plan for an Utopia, or ‘ideal society’, the Athenian philosopher Plato is said to have written that procreation should be controlled by the state. Through a state-sponsored selection of mates, â€Å"race would be strengthened by improved children†. (â€Å"Life of Plato†). Men aged 30-45 would be allowed to reproduce, as well as women aged 20-40. Any child born in violation of these laws would be abandoned outside the walls of the city. Some of Plato’s ideas had already been put into action in Sparta, around 431 BC. In line with the concept of ‘Eunomia’, weak male infants were left to die on slopes of Mt. Taygetus. (â€Å"The true story†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) â€Å"The Spartans practiced an uncompromising genetics programme. Newborn babies were raised only if healthy and perfect, so as not to be a burden to the state and to ensure genetic up-breeding. † (â€Å"Leonidas the Spartan†). It is worthy of noting that the Spartans were Greeks- with olive skin, dark curling hair, and brown eyes. To them, physical fitness was more important than moral virtues: â€Å"Sparta was hardly famous for chaste women,† according to Euripides, a then-contemporary writer. â€Å"Leonidas†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) The ideal person was a strong, fit male, and a woman who could reproduce often, bearing healthy children. This ideal was written into law by the Spartan King Leonidas, and adhered to until the eventual fall of the Spartan city-state. The next worldwide resurgence of eugenics occurred in the Victorian era. In 1863, Britain’s Sir Francis Galton, who was a cousin of Charles Darwin, coined the term ‘eugenics. ’ (Lewis, 300). He theorized that the mating of two talented people would produce better offspring. (â€Å"Eugenics Timeline†). His ideas rapidly spread to the United States and Germany. The concept of selective mating to achieve the elimination of undesirable traits became popular. â€Å"Stanford President David Starr Jordan originated the notion of â€Å"race and blood† in his 1902 racial epistle â€Å"Blood of a Nation,† in which the university scholar declared that human qualities and conditions such as talent and poverty were passed through the blood. † (Black, Edwin. ) Soon after, in 1907, the US state of Indiana passed the world’s first mandatory sterilization law. (Smith, pg. 36-137). The aim of the law was to prevent the birth of children which might inherit such undesirable traits as ‘criminality, mental defects and feeble-mindedness’. In 1911, the â€Å"Preliminary Report of the Committee of the Eugenic Section of the American Breeder’s Association to Study and to Report on the Best Practical Means for Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the Human Population†, a venture which was supported by Andrew Carnegie, one of the greatest philanthropists of that era, listed 18 solutions to resolve this problem. Number Eight was euthanasia of undesirables. A gas chamber was suggested as a possible option. (Black, Edwin). In 1918, Paul Popenoe wrote a widely used textbook, â€Å"Applied Eugenics†, which again recommended euthanasia: â€Å"From an historical point of view, the first method which presents itself is execution†¦ Its value in keeping up the standard of the race should not be underestimated. â€Å"(Black, Edwin). We may be tempted to believe that euthanasia as a form of genetic control never came to be used in the United States, but this is not the case. At the ame time Popenoe propagated his ideas, a mental institution in Lincoln, Illinois had a policy of feeding incoming patients milk from tuberculosis-infected cows. It was thought that an ‘eugenically strong’ individual would be immune. The institution had a 30-40% death rate of incoming patients. (Black, Edwin. ) But those deemed insane were only the first on the long list of people considered ‘genetically inferior’. They were closely followed by those deemed ‘feeble-minded’ or ‘licentious’. Most recent immigrants fell into the first group- IQ tests of the time determined that the average immigrant had a â€Å"moron-grade† intelligence level. Smith, John David. pg. 161) IQ was considered an innate characteristic, something that was definite, unchangeable and inheritable. Nevermind the fact that the IQ tests were administered in what usually the immigrants’ second language, by untrained secretaries or other flunkies , and skewed to favor Americans of ‘Nordic’ descent. Because of economic hardship during those times, many people in power sought to limit the tide of immigrants- which were coming mostly from Eastern European countries, as well as Italy. Eugenecists and their wealthy supporters shared an antipathy for [†¦] class struggle†, and considered ‘poverty’ another inheritable trait. In this way, they could successfully â€Å"blame the victims for their own problems†. (Allen, Garland E. â€Å"Social Origins of Eugenics†. ) Jews and Gypsies, in addition to African-Americans, were also considered of inferior genetic stock, because they did not represent the Nordic phenotype ideal that was most similar to those in the ‘ruling class’. Eugenic tests were conducted to support this agenda. The results were mostly skewed, and sometimes, as in the now-infamous Kalikak study, altogether manufactured. The Kalikak study was the basis of a book written in 1914 by Henry Goddard, titled â€Å"Feeblemindedness: Its Causes and Consequences. † The book became very influential, and led to many states adopting laws for the forcible sterilization of ‘feebleminded’ individuals, and other undesirable traits shuch as being ‘passionate’ or ‘sexually wayward’. In Sonoma, California, some women were sterilized because of ‘abnormally large clitoris or labia’, which doctors thought may lead to licentious behavior! Black, Edwin. ) Rapists and similar criminals were generally not subjected to sterilization; instead, most of the sterilized were women. It quickly becomes apparent that the less-than-ideal traits in the United States in this age were: being promiscuous, socially dependent, or from a non-Nordic country. These qualities are quite different from those considered undesirable a few centuries earlier, by the Athenians and Spartans. The spread of eugenics continued, from the United States to Germany. Germany was undergoing great economic hardship after WWI, and Hitler’s proclamation that they were of a superior ‘Germanic’ or ‘Aryan’ race and thus entitled to more of the world’s resources was very well received. In 1924, Hitler espoused his version of eugenics in his book ‘Mein Kampf’. Hitler even wrote a fan letter to US eugenics leader Madison Grant, calling Grant’s book ‘The Passing of the Great Race’ his ‘bible’. (Black, Edwin. ) Hitler’s ideas corresponded to the American eugenecists concepts of the superiority of a White Race. In the US, marriage between Whites and Blacks was forbidden by law in many states, with the aim of keeping the ‘superior’ White race ‘pure’. In fact, inter-racial marriage did not become universally legal in the United States until 1967. Because of their similar outlooks, American and Nazi eugenicists often corresponded and shared research. John D. Rockefeller even donated $410,000 ($4 million by today’s standards) to German researchers for eugenics research. The ‘research’ was done on Jews, Gypsies and others. In 1932, the Rockefeller Foundation gave additional funds for the Germans’ research on twins and â€Å"substances toxic to germ plasm†. In other words, human testing of lethal substances, or those causing infertility. As eugenics research continued, so did the collaboration of German and American scientists- in 1934 there was even a Nazi display in LA, for the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. (Black, Edwin). The Germans seized upon the American idea of sterilization of undesirables, and by 1934, were sterilizing 5,000 people per month. By 1939, they had moved on to euthanizing 5,000 children with birth defects or mental retardation, followed by 70,000 ‘unfit’ adults. (Lewis, Ricky. pg 300) As WWII swept over Europe and Hitler gained control of more lands, his armies and his doctors embarked on a quest of purging the lands of their native, ‘inferior’ populations. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, â€Å"in 1933, there were approximately 9 million Jews in Europe. By 1945, the Nazis had reduced that number to about 3 million. Roma (Gypsies) were also sent to the concentration camps, resulting in about 200,000 Gypsy deaths. Physically and mentally handicapped, homosexuals, and Polish intellectuals accounted for at least another 200,000. This totals about 6,400,000 victims of the concentration camps. The Nazis also killed between 2 and 3 million Soviet prisoners in labor camps or executions. Added to this toll should be the non-Jewish Poles and Soviets sent to forced labor who died due to malnutrition, unsafe work conditions, disease and â€Å"experimentation. † The experimentation in question was most notably conducted by Josef Mengele, an eugenicist who arrived in 1943 in Auschwitz. His aim was to conduct ‘anthropological testing’, which involved gruesome torture of his subjects. (Black, Edwin. ) Once again, the prerogatives of the class in power influenced the eugenics movement, by seeking ways to eliminate those not fitting the ‘Aryan’ ideal, which included men and women who were tall, blonde and blue-eyed, and of the ‘pure’ Germanic stock. After World War II, eugenics was declared ‘a crime against humanity’. (Black, Edwin. ) The American eugenics movement was renamed â€Å"human genetics† in 1949, and many of the same scientists continued their research. Meanwhile in Germany, Mengele’s boss and mentor became a dean of a university, and a member of the American Society of Human Genetics. The eugenics movement, though renamed, was not extinct. Eugenics laws were passed as recently as 1994 in China. â€Å"The Maternal and Infant Health Care Law’ proposed to â€Å"ensure the quality of the newborn population† and forbid procreation between two people if physical exams show ‘genetic disease of a serious nature’† including mental illness, seizures and other conditions that were ill-defined and not necessarily inherited. (Lewis, Ricky. g. 300) Given the oppression, infanticide, forced sterilization and genocide that resulted from humans’ attempts at eugenics over the course of history, it is difficult to see any positive aspects of the concept. Because the ruling class determines the ‘desirability’ of superior traits, any benefit to mankind in general is doubtful- the perceived benefit to some comes at the price of the suffering and death of many. Overall, eugenics seems to seek to negatively impact genetic diversity, which has long been a quality that has facilitated the survival of mankind. The presence of eugenics in modern times is the subject of much debate. Some interpret the assistance given to infertile couples in modern times as a form of eugenics, but this is hardly the case. These are merely the attempts of individual people to have a baby which looks like them, to fulfill their dreams of having a family. No one is paying them to reproduce any supposedly-superior genes (‘positive eugenics’), or trying to limit their reproductive rights (‘negative eugenics’), (Lewis, Ricky. g. 299) There is also the matter of the genetic research into the Human Genome, and by extension, into inherited genetic diseases. However, this research aims to limit human suffering, is non-invasive for the patient and leaves all decisions to the parents of the potentially-affected offspring. None of the aspects of ‘negative eugenics’, such as sterilization of the parents or the abortion of the fetus are mandated by any law, and any government at this time. Nonetheless, human rights activists and all citizens must remain alert, lest the ghost of eugenics should rear its ugly head again. Genetic history should never be a matter of public record, and a person’s genes should never be the basis of discrimination against them. Federal genetic anti-discrimination legislation was finalized in the US in 2008, and it is hoped that other countries will follow suit. We must always remember the injustices committed in the past, in the name of ‘creating the ideal human’, and strive to prevent them in the future.

Friday, August 30, 2019

House Cleaning

Keeping a house clean is a problem quite a few single working parents have, between taking care of children and working a full time job, house work seems to get the short end of the stick. Activities can be hectic upon the return from work and school for the parent and children. During preparation of dinner and completion of homework, vacuuming the carpet doesn’t seem that important. Too often homes fall into disorder, due to tiredness or busyness with other things. When all is said and done â€Å"Cleanliness is next to Godliness† and should never be ignored.House work can be made simple by cleaning as you go. Getting into the habit of putting things where they belong, instead of leaving them where they were used is a one way to stave off a mess. Allowing little messes to grow into large ones creates an environment no one wants to deal with. Take advantage of down time. While watching television, get some clothes folded and put away, dust tables and clean glass. While h elping with homework, start washing the dishes and sweeping the kitchen floor, mop if you have time. Thirty-minute clean-up should be established for every person able.Use appropriate motivators to energize cleaning sessions. Play upbeat music or listen to a digital book for an energy boost. Cleaning as a team with family members can help to stay on task and ease the boredom of cleaning. This concept is to do a quick clean, in addition to chores done throughout the day, leaving the house looking and smelling better. Simple concepts can be applied to keeping the house clean. Washing dishes when you are done with them only takes about ten minutes. Everyone should pitch in to put away leftovers, wash dishes, clean counters and stove.When something hits the floor, get it up immediately. Put clothes away after wearing, if they are clean, put them away. Create a place for keys, shoes, backpacks, and umbrellas; be sure to always put things where they belong. Before going to bed give the ho me a second look. Anything that can be tidied quickly, get it done. More tips on house cleaning would include reducing and recycling. Reducing the amount of waste accumulated in a household can be accomplished by purchasing cloth towels, cooking appropriate amounts of food, and tossing mailings immediately.Donating books magazines, clothing and shoes, and toys to Goodwill or other second hand stores will reduce clutter. Getting organized, an organized home is a quick and easy home to clean. Develop a cleaning schedule. Assign each member a room and task to be done daily. Tools and supplies should be in the room or in a closet or cabinet near-by. The task should have a time frame to be completed. Every two to three months, you should do a deeper clean. This would include cleaning out the refrigerator, the oven, closets and cabinets. Developing the habit of keeping a clean house won’t be easy at first.Don’t expect to be perfect at clean-as-you-go right away. It’s a new habit you may have problems with. Try one thing at a time for a while, then two things. Starting with the kitchen sink staying clean is good beginning. Once the entire kitchen has been added to your routine, adding something like the bathroom sink would be an appropriate addition. While getting into the habit of cleaning-as-you-go the rest of the home still needs attention. Utilize your, everything has a place, rule. Things like shoes, backpacks, mail, umbrellas, and books and magazines should always be in the place selected for them.Children being involved in the cleaning process in always good. Teaching children at an early age the importance of cleanliness is a lifelong lesson. Maintaining a tidy room as well as getting good grades is something to be proud of. Children should never perform tasks that require chemicals. When chemicals are used in the wrong concentration, they can be very harmful. Chores like making the bed, sweeping or vacuuming the floor and putting clothes away will put a dent in daily tasks and give the kids a since of responsibility.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A directors duty to a corporation’s creditors

A directors duty to a corporations creditors Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . A directors duty to a corporation’s creditors Introduction In this chapter we will look at two related issues; how the somewhat nebulous duties discussed in the previous chapter operate to protect creditors interests and drawing on theoretical writing on corporate governance analyse the extent to which there is potential for conceptual and actual conflicts of interest. The issues that this dissertation attempts to answer are pertinent to the core of corporate governance and therefore I will initially attempt to outline a conceptual background to the debate within this chapter. Theories of Corporate Governance The legal framework within which the Corporation as a social entity operates is informed by a vast and at sometimes incomprehensible corpus of economic theory. An understanding of the role of the corporation will give us an understanding of the objective norm by which we are assessing our current legal rules that regulate the relationships of three of the major corpo rate constituents: Creditors, Shareholders and Directors. Boatright outlines in his introduction the importance of the modern conception of the corporation to corporate law: ‘ The modern theory of the firm, which is central to finance and corporate law, views the corporation as a nexus of contracts between the various corporate constituencies. Upon this foundation finance theory and corporate law postulate shareholder wealth as the objective of the firm ’ [1] A problematic issue for Corporate Law is that situations of Insolvency challenge the primacy of shareholder wealth maximisation in favour of creditor protection. It causes many scholars in the legal profession to go back to the roots of why ought corporations be shareholder wealth maximising? And furthermore why does it hold such ideological weight? Undoubtedly shareholders are one of the most important parties in the contractual nexus of a corporation; they provide ready capital, hold a claim on resi dual assets and bear the residual risk of corporate failure. However their integral role per se doesn’t justify their primacy in corporate law and theory. Boatright summarises the main argument for shareholder primacy: Only those who bear the residual risk are appropriate for making discretionary decisions as to wealth-maximisation. If employees, bondholders and perhaps creditors had control they would tend to favour decisions that maximise their fixed-claim, this could mean that less-profitable decisions would be taken. Even managers and directors will have separate agendas and avoid profitable ventures if it was likely to increase risk to them or reduce their power. Only shareholders that bear flexible and varying costs and benefits are in the position to make purely profit-maximising decisions. In a legal sense this special interest of the shareholders is protected through the operation of fiduciary duties to shareholders, such theories argue that no other part y in the corporate contractual nexus would benefit from the arrangement as much and therefore shareholders are more willing to pay for the privilege of having their interests protected whereas creditors and other parties would rather not have their interests tied as closely to the corporations performance as closely. A good example of the distinctive nature of shareholder and director relations can be viewed when we consider the contract of employment. An employee of a firm does not benefit from a fiduciary duty to maximise profits in various ways as such a duty could prejudice them in many ways such as reducing their pay and lengthening their hours. They would prefer a more fixed contractual relationship. The welfare of society is maximised through this corporate arrangement because it is viewed as the most efficient arrangement but by no means the only arrangement other examples can be employee-owned corporations and most pertinent to this dissertation the role of creditors intere sts. This work is looking at one aspect of the contractual nexus and whether the balance between shareholder and creditor interests is both ethical and practical. Interrelated into this task are other conceptual questions that we are forced to confront.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Personal Experience with Ageism and Adultism Essay

Personal Experience with Ageism and Adultism - Essay Example The essay "Personal Experience with Ageism and Adultism" talks about the age as a factor that distinguishes individuals in the society. To begin with, when I was young, during my third-grade year, my elder brother, who was in twelfth grade at the time, and his friends once discussed an issue which all of them seemed quite unaware of. Their discussion was mainly marred by speculation and imagination of what a new education policy was about and the implication it would have on the education system. Even though I was not part of the discussion, I was sitting with them in the living room, and had an upper hand over them, having watched the broadcast about the policy and its implication on national television. They kept arguing speculatively with one of them particularly explaining a completely distorted version of the policy to the rest. At some point, I joined in the discussion, giving the true version of the policy and its implication just as I had watched on television. They took it t o another side of the argument, giving it little attention, maybe because it did not come from one of their peers, and more so, it had come from a younger person whom they did not seem to believe had the command on such matters. Even after I had told them that I had watched it on national television, they still ignored my version and continued with the argument using their own speculated versions. As the debate continued and after I had given up on convincing them, my father arrived in the house and found the debate raging on.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Manets painting The Ragpicker Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Manets painting The Ragpicker - Essay Example Instead, they find no problem and spend that money on beautiful and attractive architecture buildings that is everyone’s envy. And in this poem, the elder boy comes to the realization that it is only those people who are not like him who enters this beautiful house. Precisely, it is not for the poor to enter the facility. Further, the poem points out at the wide division between the poor and the rich. The poor is viewed as dirty and vile. Baudelaire’s Poem enlightens the readers of the problem existing in the society, the impoverished v.s. The wealthy but leaves it upon to people to do what they feel about it. Similarly, the communist manifesto discusses the division of the society into two social classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. It goes even deeper to define the division by espousing the other perspectives like free man and slave; plebian and patrician; serf and lord among others (Engels, Friedrich, & Karl Marx, 2). The communist manifesto vents out about the antagonism between the bourgeoisie and proletariats. It discusses how the differences bring about conditions of oppression meted out at the poor in the society. It highlights how to struggle to become rich is killing values social ties among families and religious morals that the society had.   The struggle between the two social classes has made the relationship between people be defined by money. Both readings tackle the realism of life and how social classes brings about suffering and struggles in the society.

Monday, August 26, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21

English - Essay Example The official name of this sport is association football. Americans developed a distinct type of football in the 19th century which has subsequently come to be known as American football. This game has basically grown out of two sports, soccer, or association football, and rugby football. Both these games remain as separate sports with each having its own specific set of rules. The international body governing soccer is FIFA, or Federation Internationale de Football Association. The immensely popular World Cup, held at four-year intervals is organized by FIFA, and it also governs all levels of soccer, including professional games on the international level, Olympic competitions and youth leagues. The FIFA World Cup is undoubtedly the sport’s premier event, pitting national teams from 32 countries against one another. American football’s National Football League or NFL is the most popular and major professional league in the world. However, over the years, several other leagues have been formed in North America and Europe. The comparable soccer league known as MLS or Major League Soccer has many teams which have fans worldwide and some of the most famous teams are A.C. Milan of Italy, Ajax Amsterdam of The Netherlands, Manchester United of England, Real Madrid of Spain, Boca Juniors of Argentina, SÃ £o Paulo of Brazil, and Colo Colo of Chile, among others. Both forms of the game, soccer or association football, and American football have some things in common, namely both are played between two teams, in which players try to score a goal by hitting the ball into the opponents’ goal, by using any part of their body except the hands. Players thus have to use remarkable skills of using feet and heads as they kick, dribble, or pass the ball toward the goal or to another player. Although this much remains common to both games, there are some important contrasts and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Innovating the process of Custom-made Thobe by the use of technology Essay

Innovating the process of Custom-made Thobe by the use of technology - Essay Example Being custom-made, the thobe is highly unique for each customer. This is particularly true in the recent years where the process of buying a thobe has changed from just having to choose a fabric and take the size measurements, to advanced levels of specialization that are inherent in the modern process. Today a customer has to choose the color, fabric material, sleeves, collar, number of pockets, design and button style. This whole new and continuously updated process expanded the thobe market, increased the number of thobe stores and designers, and most of all, increased the need to buy thobes more frequently. In addition, these differences in styles and colors forced each customer to buy more than double the number he usually buys each year. Now he can have a different style for every occasion: work, formal look, in house, family and friends. The customer must first select a place to make his costumed thobe. This is usually done by random selection or based on advertisements or recommendations from other people. The customer then picks the fabric material, fabric colors, as well as other details including button shape and size; the shop’s staff records these specifications manually. Next, the customer goes through the measurement process where a staff from the shop makes size measurements using a measuring tape. Finally, the customer makes a down payment. Each tailor shop operates independently and relies on its own resources. For example, each tailor shop has their own garments, fabric, and staff who take body measurements. There are also tailors who work on the orders in the production facility, and some shops have their own exclusive and branded designs. The body size measurement process can be very time consuming for customers, especially when there are a lot of them waiting their turn. In many cases, new customers know how long the process could take. Therefore, if there are a number of customers being served, they are most Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words Case Study - Essay Example Given that a large number of Wal-Mart’s regular customers would get used purchasing various items online, the number of customers who will be dropping by Wal-Mart store outlets would eventually decrease. The shift from traditional shopping to online shopping will enable the company to cut down the number of its employee which will reduce its customer-borne transaction costs. Yes. In general, the use of web-site services and Wal-Mart’s decision to close a deal with Fingerhut Business Services and Books-a-Million enables the company to reduce its operational costs. (Zellner, 1999) Given that Fingerhut Business Services and Books-a-Million has the expertise on distributing the customers’ orders directly to their home (Zellner, 1999), there is a lesser chance for Wal-Mart to have serious problems related with the transportation of goods from the warehouse straight to its customer’s home. Aside from the huge reduction on the cost of operations, the fact that Wal-Mart announced its plan to expand its online store service will enable the company to have take advantage of economies-of-scale. Since the company has already invested on, expansion of its online store offerings is expected to open new business opportunities for Wal-Mart. Since Wal-Mart will be able to save a lot of money from operational costs, the company will have the competitive advantage of being able to offer consumer products at a discounted price. Yes. It is most likely that Wal-Mart will capture the value created by Since the website is accessible 24/7, the use of can reach millions of people around the world. For this reason, more people in other countries will be able to acknowledge the brand Wal-Mart. As soon as Wal-Mart has already dominated the domestic market, the management behind Wal-Mart will have to start expanding its business in the international market. This can be done by establishing several

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Comparative Study of Siddhartha (Hesse) and A Hero of Our Time Essay

Comparative Study of Siddhartha (Hesse) and A Hero of Our Time (Lermontov) - Essay Example A closer look at the two characters, however, makes several interesting revelations. Siddhartha was born a prince. But he was not happy with what he was and what he saw in the world around him [He was a source of joy for everybody, he was a delight for them all. But, he, Siddhartha, was not a source of joy for himself, he found no delight in himself (Hesse 4)]. He saw no meaning in the traditions and rituals of Hinduism and the Vedic culture, the only religion in India at that time. The curiosity to find the meaning and purpose of human existence made him restless. The same restlessness, radicalism, cynicism and scorn for the existing institutions characterize Pechorin. His flaws not withstanding, it must be said that Pechorin, much like the Buddha, was self-aware and self-absorbed [Pechorin: â€Å"Mine is an unfortunate disposition; whether it is the result of my upbringing or whether it is innate – I know not.† (Chapter IX)]. When the world tends to call Siddhartha a saint and Pechorin a nihilist, it indicates that the points where the two began their journeys were close though the points where they ended up might be poles apart. That was bound to be despite a high level of awareness because of the difference where their centers lied. Pechorin was self-centered and Siddhartha was other-centered [Siddhartha: â€Å"Once every desire and every urge was silent in the heart, then the ultimate part of me had to awake, the innermost of my being, which is no longer my self, the great secret.† (10)]. One advocated the conscious destruction of desire while the other believed in deliberately destroying the people who came in the way of his fulfillment of desires. Again, for both, these ends were more important than life itself. One of the prescriptions of the Indian asceticism was to starve the body so that the craving for worldly things would gradually be vanquished. Siddhartha had a correction to make. Though he was against overindulgence, his not ion was that a tired, inactive body and mind cannot prepare themselves for liberation or salvation unless the basic needs are fulfilled. This is in close proximity to the essence of Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation in which he gives physiological needs the importance that is due to them, but only to that extent. From this perspective, Pechorin has striking clarity as to what the basic needs of humans are. He declares without mincing words that power and lust are fundamental for happiness [Pechorin: â€Å"Ambition is nothing more nor less than a thirst for power. To be the cause of suffering and joy to another – without in the least possessing any definite right to be so – isn’t that the sweetest food for our pride? And what is happiness? Satisfied pride.† (Chapter VIII)]. One thing that can be established beyond doubt is that the characters under study were quite different from the rest because of their attitude. At a time when everyone else w as content with the way things happened, they were bored with them and begged to differ. This boredom made them set out on their journeys of exploration. They reacted to the events of life in a unique way. Both were unable to identify themselves with their contemporaries. They did not just want to live life but sought to feel life, to experience it. Siddhartha’s renunciation was as much motivated from this desperation as Pechorin’

Friday, August 23, 2019

Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Communication - Essay Example Atufunwa (2009) explains that growth of a company must be followed by implementation of more elaborate and effective communication systems. This is due to the fact that growth leads to more information needs and thus collaboration of company units must be practiced through effective communication so that subsystems can be allowed to work towards a common goal and mission. DeSanctis and Jackson (1994, p. 85) point out that effective communication is a business strategy which helps organizations to be more competitive in the market. This is illustrated by the hiring of specialist managers by the executives of HS Engineering to coordinate the operations of the company. This was motivated by the need to ensure that the relocation of the company activities does not impact negatively on their coordination through communication. The company needs to beat its competitors from the Far East and as a result, plans for collaboration and coordination have been prioritized. Harrison (2005) emphasi zes that proper communication within an internationalized company is specifically significant for the management of the company because of the complexity in company control which emanate from expansion. Moreover, it is through proper communication that executives are able to monitor and evaluate the activities of its branches of subsidiaries to ensure that they operate according to the policies and culture of the company. According to Sanchez and McCann (2005, p. 11), bureaucracy is one of the greatest barriers of effective communication within a company. Bureaucracy in HS Engineering is demonstrated by the hierarchical organization structure which is characterized by a slowed decision making process especially for the factory operations in Leeds. Harrison (2005) adds that the problem with bureaucracy is that there is limited communication between the subordinates and the top management because decisions have to be approved in stages. This process causes an ineffective and inefficie nt communication process within a company or organization. In the HS Engineering case, the large number of middle level managers reveals a slowed communication process. A slowed communication process within a company demonstrates that feedback takes a long process and time to be attained and thus execution of operations is slowed significantly. Such a situation would in return lead to reduced productivity in production. To overcome problems which emanate from poor communication, employees must be motivated. Michalski (2000, p. 85) reveals that employee motivation is achieved by involving them in company decisions. It is through transformational approach to leadership and management that employees can be involved in decision making McGoon (1996, p. 30). The closure of Wolverhampton and Oldham factories by HS Engineering without involving the employees illustrates how executive decisions would kill the morale of employees. Transformational approach to leadership enables executives to open a two way communication with employees and thus encourage collaboration between the management and subordinates especially in sharing creative ideas (Berzok, 1993). Moreover, a democratic approach in management allows employees to be more communicative about their needs and thus allow the management to include the desires of their subordinates in decision making. This will eventually lead

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Americas Free

Americas Freedom Essay Two hundred thousand people stood out in front of the Lincoln Memorial Monument on the 28th of August, 1963, lead by the tongues of musicians, artists, poets, and writers rather than politicians and leaders. It was the dawn of a new age in American history, a novel dawn of reason. Mostly young people, who were able to overcome religion, race, sex and all other physical aspects of the human kind stood in search of freedom and liberty, as was promised to their ancestors in the words of the Declaration of Independence. Ever since the great migrations at the beginning of the 20th century, when over 1. 2 million immigrants came rushing in through Manhattans doors in seek of a better life, Americas society has stirred and evolved more than that of any other nation on the planet. It was the harsh economic situation, which followed Napoleons defeat in 1815, and the stench which had foreshadowed the beginning of a new war which had forced the peoples of so many European countries to move out of their homes and settle into a new and more promising land. America was not only a new world in physical means; it was a world which had new, better rules. Freedom had been promised to all who were to step on its lands. Its constitution had spoken in a most loud and proud manner; All men are created equal. Unfortunately, this truth was not visible, even in the cracks and nooks of society. In that time the people did not give attention to problems such as discrimination. In Bob Dylans unpublished notes, he states; It was too cold to be rebellious. The weather had equalized everything. There was not much philosophy; and it was a more simple time. There was simply no idiom, or ideology to go against. However, the first step to fulfilling societys equality was on the horizon, for the first protests for womens equality had begun. It took a whole six decades before women gained the right to vote. The movement had been divided by fighting all until 1848, when pioneer feminists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott had organized the Seneca Falls Convention to push for womens rights, uniting in 1890 under the banner of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. The association later evolved into the League of Woman Voters, which still plays a significant role in the U. S. election process. Overall, the Nineteenth Amendment was the product of nonviolent organized effort of women suffragists, and it was much more than the welcoming of both genders at the poll. It was the beginning of a century long process known as the forming of a new and libelous America.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The controversal breed of dog The Pit Bull Essay Example for Free

The controversal breed of dog The Pit Bull Essay The American Staffordshire Terrier (also known as Pit Bull) is believed to be a man-eating beast. But is this breed all its made out to be? The Pit Bull started in the Unites States; it has been developed since the early 1800s as a result of crosses between the bulldogs of that time and game terriers. Although the early ancestors of this breed came from England, the development of the American Staffordshire Terrier is the story of a truly American breed. This type of dog was instrumental in the success of farmers and settlers who developed this country. They were used for general farm work, hunting wild pigs, bears, and other large game, guarding the homestead, and general companionship. A number of the early ancestors were also developed for the sport of dog fighting. The extraordinary vitality of this breed is a direct result of breeding for successful fighting dogs. This now illegal activity is, unfortunately, more often cited as the early purpose of the dogs rather than the general farm work. Although ancestors of the American Staffordshire were fighting dogs, the selective breeding since the 1930s has been away from the fighting heritage. The American Staffordshire Terrier of today is a companion and show dog, rather than a gladiator. Although more rarely used on the farm now, the talents that made him a good all-purpose dog are still to be found in the breed. Later on, In the early 1900s people began to fight dog against dog in a pit, or dog against bull in a pit which is why the dog was later named the Pit Bull. Unfortunately in todays society there have been many cases of over breeding for this dog which has created temperament problems in their bloodlines, leading to inconsistent behavior. Pit Bulls over bred today are usually used to fight illegally in run down urban areas or are kept outside and are used to guard junkyards, peoples houses or private property. The over breeding of these dogs led to people housing them that were not qualified to handle this breed. Though they do not get overly large they have a body mass that can weigh up to 90 pounds, and a lockjaw with 800 pounds of pressure. These dogs are very smart, but require a lot of care and  attention. The Pit Bull will also learn to imitate the behavior of its owner. People who neglect these dogs or use aggressive force to train them will often have an aggressive dog likely to turn and attack. When kept in safe living conditions and trained properly these dogs are excellent family pets with a natural guard dog instinct to protect its family. Many of the dog attacks to take place in the past 10 years have been by Pit Bulls, but what about 10 years before that when the feared breed was the Doberman Pinscher. Now Dobermans are recognized as an extraordinary breed while the Pit Bull has now gained the reputation of Man eater. To stop the over breeding, inbreeding and sales to unfit owners, it is encouraged to buy your American Staffordshire Terrier from a registered and reputable breeder. It is also advised to see the papers and bloodlines to the parents to make sure they have been Temperament Tested (TT). When a responsible owner goes to these lengths to get a pedigree Pit Bull, they will end up with a companion for life that will be loyal and protect your every step. American Staffordshire Terriers tend to take to their main owner the most. They will follow them everywhere and protect them against danger at all times. Though very gentle, if the Pit Bull senses that their owner is in danger or at risk, they will put their own lives at stake for the well being and safety of their family. For the past 3 years precautions have been taken to ward off Pit Bulls becoming turned into attack dogs and the number of Pit Bull attacks have decreased. Now, because of the ever growing popularity of Labrador and Golden Retrievers, their inbreeding have caused these examples of Mans Best Friend to attack as well. So before you judge every Pit Bull that you see please be aware that a majority of the time it is the inability of the owner, and not the aggressiveness of the dog. Any dog can attack if not properly bred or cared for!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reflective Log On Personal And Professional Development Skills Nursing Essay

Reflective Log On Personal And Professional Development Skills Nursing Essay Stress has always been a part of my life. I have experienced it during exam revision, my Duke of Edinburgh expedition, being the captain of a tennis team and performing in a play. My reason for choosing this SSC was to help me to identify and manage my stress, plan my goals and improve my time management so that excessive stress can be avoided in the future. We began the course by studying the graph of performance versus arousal, illustrating the human response to stress. Performance initially increased with stress. I have always perceived stress as a negative thing and something that should be avoided at all costs. I soon learned that some stress is good for you; some stressors keep you motivated and working at the optimum rate; without them, I would become bored and feel like I was underachieving. When stress is excessive, however, the graph starts plateauing and then going down. The body starts suffering and displaying signs of being overstressed leading to lowered productivity and finally breakdown and illness. When I am very stressed, I find myself experiencing a combination of symptoms. Anxiety, procrastination, increased heart rate, diarrhoea, sensitivity to criticism, negative self-critical thoughts and occasional emotional outbursts are not uncommon to me. Being on such a demanding course as Medicine, it is important to manage stress efficiently to keep productivity at optimum levels. Knowing about the manifestations of stress is useful both when directly administering healthcare and to inform professional conduct. The understanding of the manifesting symptoms of stress will allow me to identify it in myself and others: I can later use this either to prescribe the right course of action to the patient, or to manage underlying problems at work. The two types of stress are acute and chronic. The General Adaptation Syndrome proposed by Seyle explains the stages the body goes through when faced with stress: Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion1. The alarm stage involves the fight or flight mechanism as well as activation of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal axis, leading to down-regulation of the immune system. In the resistance phase, the body tries to cope with the increased stress. In the exhaustion phase, sustained stress has depleted the body of resources and we suffer from diseases of adaptation. I experience acute stress on a frequent basis, for example when I get a minor injury or am trying to meet an essay deadline, leading to alarm and resistance. Chronic stress is more long term, such as occupational stress, commonly leading to the exhaustion phase of the General Adaptation Syndrome. This occurs when I am stressed for a longer period of time, such as when struggling to catch up with work or preparing for exams. Extended periods of high stress situations can lead to burnout, which is characterised by emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation, leading to low productivity and feelings of low achievement. I have experienced similar feelings when, after pushing myself too hard, I feel negative, run down and as though my work is barely progressing. The extreme demands of a medical career can easily drive a doctor to burnout. I was glad that this SSC gave us space to consider burnout, as it brought my attention to aspects of my own conduct when under pressure. With an awareness of my personal difficulties in mind, I often try to use action and emotionally orientated skills to manage my stress levels. I plan ahead in terms of work and other commitments, and prefer to work steadily over time and not get emotionally worked up about it. However, acceptance-orientated stress management comes into play when stressors seem more imminent. With the associated stress of an oncoming exam, for instance, I accept it and work, trying to avoid further stress by reminding myself that I am doing my best. I was surprised to learn about the extent to which personal stress effects those who surround us. Stress is infectious and in a clinical scenario it is important to seem calm to the patient to build a rapport and gain their trust. A visibly stressed doctor will result in stressed patients, or even cause stress in other members of staff leading to poor patient care, often due to non-verbal communication such as body language. With the understanding that interactions with patients, and teamwork situations will feature a lot in my career, knowing about the infectious nature of stress has reinforced my belief that I must manage my stress and be cautious of how (or what) I communicate. To improve my stress management, it is important to become aware of my stressors, and how I react physically and emotionally to them, while bearing in mind the three main variables of stress: intensity, duration and number of stressors present. This will allow me to evaluate what I can change and to moderate my physical and emotional responses. Keeping fit by going to the gym and playing sports, as well as socialising allows me to unwind and feel good about myself. I find these very effective in stress management as they allow build-up of physical and emotional reserves. However, I need to improve my prioritising mechanisms, as sometimes prioritising is my downfall: for example I often find myself persuaded to go out with friends before an important deadline. Doing work when it is important rather than urgent will also leave me room to do the things I enjoy, without the avoidable pressure of time constraints and outstanding work: thus by starting assignments sooner rather than later, and studying lectures and tutorials after having them I will reduce my exposure to the stressors, and the intensity and duration of the stress With those plans in mind, I found learning about the methods of stress manipulation halting, interrupting and coping useful and insightful. In the past I have used halting and coping as my primary methods of manipulating stress. However, I now feel that these are not best in all situations; indeed, they can result in more when work accumulates and must be completed later. I am now putting into place interruption, which involves reducing the stress rather than stopping it altogether by preventing it from building up; this works well when it incorporates the management of variables of stress. I found it a surprise that such a thing as eustress existed; once again challenging my perceptions that stress is almost always a negative thing. I then recalled when I had experienced this in the past, for example when exams are over and I have almost unlimited time to do whatever I want. Learning how to identify stressors, as well as enhancing relevant communication skills, was useful. As a doctor, using the interrogative words Who, What, When, Where and How when interviewing patients will help me to take good patient histories: they will allow me to direct the patients answers in a way which will help identify the stressors efficiently. The areas which cause stress are occupation, personal relationships, environment and non-work time. Using the aforementioned words will create open yet specific questions, prompting the patient to open up and provide a better history. However, the interrogator why should not be used as it is too vague and not productive enough when trying to determine the causes of stress. Thought awareness refers to negative thinking. I have experienced this myself, when the approach of exams causes me to doubt my knowledge and anticipate failure. However, I have addressed this by making sure I prepare in enough time and by using my time efficiently. I am now able to think more clearly, remain calmer and make informed decisions in more stressful situations. I recognise the importance of being optimistic, and believe that even when things do not go according to plan, I must see the experience as positive and an opportunity to learn. As well as that, I am quite a confident person and apply myself to most situations with a confident mind-set even if they are in uncharted territory. This allows me to push my boundaries, and this boosts my confidence when I am pleasantly surprised to discover a new skill. On my Duke of Edinburgh expedition, I was leading my team. Unfortunately due to torrential rain and wind, a part of our route was impassable; this meant I was responsible to plan a new route within a short period of time as it was getting very late and dark. I successfully managed to get the team to the camp with very little delay to our original plan. The final step in stress management is rest, relaxation and sleep. In my experience, all three have suffered during stressful times, especially rest and relaxation. I play badminton, tennis and go to the gym as forms of recreation, and enjoy music and television to distract me from the stress. I sometimes stop doing these during intense times in order to make time for work. I now realise that it is important not to halt these activities. However the biggest change I will be making is implementing the self-hypnosis techniques learnt in the classes. I think that the hypnosis allows me to be more awake and refreshed than by taking a quick nap, which often leaves me feeling worse when I wake up which I learnt was due to me interrupting a sleep cycle. To be someone who works productively, efficiently and in a professional manner, I must set realistic goals and then achieve them, borrowing some aspects of the tycoon mentality. Namely, it is necessary firstly to know what I want; the best way of going about this is to maintain focussed on it by not bothering too much about what I dont want. To remain focussed on achieving my goals, it is important that I constantly visualise them to keep myself striving towards them. This means clearing your mind of any clutter such as goals that are now unattainable and past events. I often find myself thinking of what has happened in the past and replaying them in my mind and thinking about what I could have done differently, for example I once said something rash to a friend in the heat of the moment which I later regretted; I kept thinking about all the time and got really stressed. I now realise that this is merely a waste of time and I could use this time to make more use of the present to cre ate a better future. Tycoons realise the importance of compartmentalising, that is, not carrying emotional baggage from one thing to another. As a doctor for me this will be imperative: I must not carry any sentiments about one patient to another when dealing with another case. I already compartmentalise in day to day life, and for instance when I get upset about one thing, I do not allow the associated emotions to interfere with other aspects of my life. I have also set myself some clear cut and realistic goals which I am working towards and know how to get there. In some ways I do have tycoon mentality, which is valuable as a medical student and future doctor. Although the importance of hard work is undeniable, anticipating success will help me to achieve it, as the ensuing excitement which in turn motivates me to strive towards my ambition. Anticipation also allows me to change my goal if my current goal no longer seems to be the right one for me. Past experiences have shown me that whatever seems like a huge effort will only become habitual in time, usually a period of three weeks according to Maltzs Psychocybernetics2. For example, when I promised myself to visit the gym to improve my fitness, it initially seemed a huge effort to make time for it, but after some time I stopped seeing it as an effort. It became a part of my schedule, and I am able to fit other activities around it: this is goal maintenance I have a goal in my career of becoming a liver surgeon, it is a definitive long term goal and I am determined to achieve it. I will need to achieve several goals such as passing my exams and attending surgical society meetings to achieve the long term goal. By having a time frame to achieve my goal, I will always endeavour to achieve the goals I set myself. It is not just enough to have a goal; you need to make it a reality. I am good at operating on my own initiative and try to take the necessary steps to climb up the ladder towards my goals. Desire results in sustained effort: For instance, I will not let progress made towards my ambition deter me from trying harder. I am currently searching for placements with surgeons and gaining career advice to set me apart when I apply for a job. Loss of desire can mean you can get side tracked from your goals and result in you not achieving them; I am always trying to keep a focus on my goals in order to prevent this from happening. In order to gain satisfaction from achieving my goals, I need to make sure that I keep doing my on-going activities such as gym, tennis and badminton. Otherwise, I would have lost this aspect of my life as well as it being detrimental to my fitness. I am often guilty of stopping these activities when Im busy with other work, but from now on will incorporate them into my goals. Goals are something you want to achieve; dreams go beyond goals and are on the horizon beyond the path to your goal. This made me think whether some of my goals are actually goals or whether they are dreams. I then realised that my goal of becoming a well renowned surgeon is actually a dream, I will need to hit all my goals and go beyond before I can make my dream a reality. I also realise that no one is going to create my success; only I am solely responsible for creating my success. I have set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and within a Time frame) and I am now forming a personalised goal portfolio so that I can hit my targets; to supplement this, I am also going to make lists of tasks that I need to do. Though I have never used lists in the past, I feel that making lists facilitates organisation and aids the memory, thus increasing chances of success. I feel that this SSC has equipped me with a platform of skills which will be useful in my career as a doctor. Mainly these fall under the categories of stress management, motivation techniques, time management and relaxation. Surprisingly, though, the course has shed light on the importance of communication and body language with regards to stress management, and familiarised me with concepts I did not previously know about, such as eustress and the positive influence of stress for productivity. Nevertheless I feel that the most important things I learned were the skill of identifying that I was stressed, and the knowledge that sometimes I need to relax. Above all, though, I feel that this SSC has been one of the most influential aspects of my medical education, as it has taught me to recognise that stress is not merely a black and white issue: it resides neither in the situation or the person, it depends on a transaction between the two.3

Monday, August 19, 2019

Investigation into elastic potential energy :: essays research papers fc

Why and What I hope to achieve: I believe that the purpose of doing this is to allow me to demonstrate my understanding of Elastic potential energy. And the projectile concepts of the effect of changing potential into kinetic energy and for me to demonstrate my ability to apply elastic potential energy to a scientific investigation. What am I going to do and what will it prove: I am going to use an elastic band and release it from different tensions I will then measure how far it ‘flies’. Doing this will tell me the relationship between force, potential energy and kinetic energy. My Prediction: I predict that the further I pull the band back the further it will ‘fly’. This is based on the fact that the more tension involved means that the potential energy is greater therefore the kinetic/moving energy will also be greater. Variables: Force to pull the band back. This will be between 3 and 11 Newton’s. Equations: Distance = Speed Time Speed = Time   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Distance Time = Distance   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Speed I also have Equations for EPE in my research. Method: 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Attach an elastic band to the hook on the end of a Newton metre and stretch the band until the Newton metre reads three Newton’s 2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Then Release the band and see how far it flies. 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Measure using a metre stick how far the band has travelled. 4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Repeat this same test three time in order to gather and average later on. 5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The repeat this test using forces of 5, 7, 9 and 11 Newton’s. 6)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Remember to repeat each test on each force three times. 7)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Then collect the mean average using the results you received from repeating each of the tests. Fair Test: I will make sure this is a fair test by:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using the same band each time  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using the same height at which to release the band  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Repeat each test three times so that we gat a reasonable result and in the case of getting a ‘freak’ result I will repeat that test.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Same place – Draught’s, heat  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Same angle when band is released Things to take into account:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The band will ‘age’ therefore losing some of its elasticity and tension.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If it didn’t hit the ground it would probably go further.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Use the same Newton metre and have the same person reading it.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There might be a breeze of wind of some sort either flowing with the band or against it.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Temperature of room  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Any possible obstructions or anything else that make effect the general momentum e.g. Doors opening windows being open or shut.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Angle, position and height you release the band from.

The QWERTY Phenomenon and the Game of Cricket :: Typing Technology Key Board Essays

The QWERTY Phenomenon and the Game of Cricket In "Darwin's Dangerous Idea", Dennett describes the QWERTY phenomena in biological and cultural evolution as an example of how "mere historical happenstance... restrict[s] our options" (6:131). Economists add a value judgment to this description, some using QWERTY as an example of market failure and inefficiency. However, the evolution of QWERTY, like cricket, follows rules that are enigmatic at first glance. Economists do not pursue the analogy with evolution and, as a result, do not detect the fundamental change in the system of production that rewrote the rules of efficiency. A historical retracing disentangles the reasons for QWERTY's continued dominance of keyboard systems. The integration of parts in the system of production demanded compatibility: the efficiency of the whole above the efficiency of the individual. QWERTY: Rise to fame In the first row of letters on your keyboard, the first six keys spell out a nonsensical string, QWERTY, that gives this layout its name. In the nineteenth century, it was found that if two adjacent keys on a typewriter were struck too quickly in succession, the type bars would jam. The alphabetical arrangement of keys proved to be problematic as it placed many commonly-used letters close together. Spacing these letters apart resulted in the somewhat arbitrary re-arrangement we see today. Given that computers have gotten rid of this mechanical problem, why does QWERTY continue to dominate keyboards around the world? First, a quick history. In the second half of the nineteenth century, typewriters with a variety of key layouts competed for commercial success, and the first to achieve it used QWERTY. Diamond argues, however, that the role the keyboard played in the typewriter's success was incidental rather than instrumental, crediting instead other advantageous components that the machine boasted, such as type bars, an inked ribbon, and a cylindrical paper carriage (2). But as this typewriter became more widely used in offices, more new users chose to train to touch-type using the QWERTY layout. As people climbed on the bandwagon, QWERTY experienced decreasing costs of selection: it became more likely to be picked over other key layouts (1). The "wrong" answer? Early dominance meant not only that QWERTY became the standard, but that it stayed that way too. The layout became locked in by the quasi-irreversibility of investments in training touch-typists and in equipment, and by the high costs of conversion (1). In fact, numerous attempts to implement improvements to the layout have met with failure.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Myth of the Earnings Yield :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

The Myth of the Earnings Yield Essay written by Sam Vaknin Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites A very slim minority of firms distribute dividends. This truism has revolutionary implications. In the absence of dividends, the foundation of most - if not all - of the financial theories we employ in order to determine the value of shares, is falsified. These theories rely on a few implicit and explicit assumptions: (a) That the (fundamental) "value" of a share is closely correlated (or even equal to) its market (stock exchange or transaction) price (b) That price movements (and volatility) are mostly random, though correlated to the (fundamental) "value" of the share (will always converge to that "value" in the long term) (c) That this fundamental "value" responds to and reflects new information efficiently (old information is fully incorporated in it) Investors are supposed to discount the stream of all future income from the share (using one of a myriad of possible rates - all hotly disputed). Only dividends constitute meaningful income and since few companies engage in the distribution of dividends, theoreticians were forced to deal with "expected" dividends rather than "paid out" ones. The best gauge of expected dividends is earnings. The higher the earnings - the more likely and the higher the dividends. Even retained earnings can be regarded as deferred dividends. Retained earnings are re-invested, the investments generate earnings and, again, the likelihood and expected size of the dividends increase. Thus, earnings - though not yet distributed - were misleadingly translated to a rate of return, a yield - using the earnings yield and other measures. It is as though these earnings WERE distributed and created a RETURN - in other words, an income - to the investor. The reason for the perpetuation of this misnomer is that, according to all current theories of finance, in the absence of dividends - shares are worthless. If an investor is never likely to receive income from his holdings - then his holdings are worthless. Capital gains - the other form of income from shareholding - is also driven by earnings but it does not feature in financial equations. Yet, these theories and equations stand in stark contrast to market realities. People do not buy shares because they expect to receive a stream of future income in the form of dividends.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Legislation Legacy

Native Americans or the so called American Indians are considered to belong in the minority group by the White Americans.   They were in one way said to be like a third world country because they have a slow pacing in terms of civilization and improvement. Native Americans are faced with a continuous struggle regarding land ownership. (Komp, 2006)Their lands as they say had a spiritual attachment and they really value the piece of land that they own. Any action that would entail the sale and destruction of the land they own would cause great apprehension. This could not be realized abruptly due to the nature of the Natives to be submissive. They needed to have a strong and powerful person to assist them in kinds of need. The issue between the Native Americans and the federal government is about the acquisition of land. They were at all cost hindered to have a land of their own. The government, despite the legislature that they must acquire land, was trying to bend the rule that’s why the case is in pending condition. This scenario could be accounted to the fact that white Americans have the tendency to take advantage over the natives because they were thinking that the natives do not contribute much to the making of their nation. The issue is connected to the fact that the land of the native Americans are proposed by industries to be the site for toxic wastes disposal.(Komp, 2006)If this would be the situation, then most of the American Indians are now faced with the great struggle regarding their health condition. Although some scientist has cited that it would never affect their health, there is no concrete evidence that this is not harmful to them. The legislation that is linked to the issue is the human rights law.   American Indians, though native, have the right to protect their possessions and to have a land of their own. Also they have the right to be protected in terms of health. And the fact that they were natives must not deprive them of the right to live in a safe environment. References: Komp, K. (2006). Congress, President Still Ignoring the Indian Health Care [Electronic Version]. Retrieved August 6, 2007.      

Friday, August 16, 2019

Cyber Crimes

Businesses are becoming more and more reliant on the Internet in modern society and it is important to study the crimes that are committed electronically. There are criminals on the Internet just as there are criminals on the street, the Internet has several common crimes that businesses need to understand. Users on the Internet have rights and violating these rights are the same as violating rights in person. The Internet has laws. That means that people need to be aware of cyber laws and illegal cyber activity. Torts made on the Internet are referred to as cyber torts. Torts are simply violated someone.To start, there are several instances where a person is violated on the Internet. The primary example of being violated in cyber space is defamation. Defamation is essentially any type of slander against someone on the Internet. Whether it is through a blog post, video post, chat room, or message board, attempting to harm someone’s reputation is against the law. The person com mitting the crime of defamation can be sued for libel. It is wrong to try and ruin someone’s reputation and businesses need to realize that even if they are just joking around, saying derogatory things about someone is against the law.However, the Internet Service Provider cannot be held accountable for someone committing defamation. The Internet is a place of freedom but abusing that freedom cannot be the fault of the service provider. The Federal Communications Decency Act was created to protect these ISP’s and remind users to be decent on the Internet. Several laws have been created due to people abusing the Internet and the service providers are not to be blamed. To continue on the topic of cyber crimes, spam e-mails are constantly being thrown around but only some are actually legal.If a user is sending so much spam e-mail that it slows down the use of the computer or disrupts the Internet Service Provider, then it is a crime. The trespass of chattels is interferi ng with a person’s use of the Internet. All the junk e-mails and pop-ups are annoying for user’s and is considered a violation. However, the use of these spam type e-mails for commercial use is allowed. The Internet is a great way to advertise so companies are allowed to send bulk e-mail all around the Internet to hope generate some business. It is definitely important for businesses to understand how to properly use spam e-mails.Also, financial crimes are beginning to become more common on the Internet. So much banking and paying bills is done electronically now and it has is pros and cons. Being able to use the Internet for tedious activities like banking is great. However, all of a person’s information is now on the Internet, a very public place. Identity theft is a serious offense committed in cyber space. A person can find all of the information needed such as social security numbers, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, and all kinds of information about a person that would lead to identity theft.Users need to be extremely careful when entering any financial information on the Internet because it can lead to crimes like identity theft. Businesses need to be extremely careful when putting anything on the Internet. It can destroy a business if someone can access all of the company’s records and private information. These crimes are very serious and the culprits face serious consequences. Overall, all of these types of cyber crimes are important for businesses to understand because so much business is done on the Internet nowadays.Companies are taking more and more precautions to avoid all kinds of cyber crimes. Violating someone on the Internet is the same as violating someone in person. There are now cyber laws and breaking these laws has real consequences. From spam e-mails to defamation to identity theft, businesses need to understand all of the dangers that exist out there in cyber space. Knowing the laws will protect businesses and guide employees to stay within the boundaries of the law and keep the company strong. Cyber Crimes Businesses are becoming more and more reliant on the Internet in modern society and it is important to study the crimes that are committed electronically. There are criminals on the Internet just as there are criminals on the street, the Internet has several common crimes that businesses need to understand. Users on the Internet have rights and violating these rights are the same as violating rights in person. The Internet has laws. That means that people need to be aware of cyber laws and illegal cyber activity. Torts made on the Internet are referred to as cyber torts. Torts are simply violated someone.To start, there are several instances where a person is violated on the Internet. The primary example of being violated in cyber space is defamation. Defamation is essentially any type of slander against someone on the Internet. Whether it is through a blog post, video post, chat room, or message board, attempting to harm someone’s reputation is against the law. The person com mitting the crime of defamation can be sued for libel. It is wrong to try and ruin someone’s reputation and businesses need to realize that even if they are just joking around, saying derogatory things about someone is against the law.However, the Internet Service Provider cannot be held accountable for someone committing defamation. The Internet is a place of freedom but abusing that freedom cannot be the fault of the service provider. The Federal Communications Decency Act was created to protect these ISP’s and remind users to be decent on the Internet. Several laws have been created due to people abusing the Internet and the service providers are not to be blamed. To continue on the topic of cyber crimes, spam e-mails are constantly being thrown around but only some are actually legal.If a user is sending so much spam e-mail that it slows down the use of the computer or disrupts the Internet Service Provider, then it is a crime. The trespass of chattels is interferi ng with a person’s use of the Internet. All the junk e-mails and pop-ups are annoying for user’s and is considered a violation. However, the use of these spam type e-mails for commercial use is allowed. The Internet is a great way to advertise so companies are allowed to send bulk e-mail all around the Internet to hope generate some business. It is definitely important for businesses to understand how to properly use spam e-mails.Also, financial crimes are beginning to become more common on the Internet. So much banking and paying bills is done electronically now and it has is pros and cons. Being able to use the Internet for tedious activities like banking is great. However, all of a person’s information is now on the Internet, a very public place. Identity theft is a serious offense committed in cyber space. A person can find all of the information needed such as social security numbers, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, and all kinds of information about a person that would lead to identity theft.Users need to be extremely careful when entering any financial information on the Internet because it can lead to crimes like identity theft. Businesses need to be extremely careful when putting anything on the Internet. It can destroy a business if someone can access all of the company’s records and private information. These crimes are very serious and the culprits face serious consequences. Overall, all of these types of cyber crimes are important for businesses to understand because so much business is done on the Internet nowadays.Companies are taking more and more precautions to avoid all kinds of cyber crimes. Violating someone on the Internet is the same as violating someone in person. There are now cyber laws and breaking these laws has real consequences. From spam e-mails to defamation to identity theft, businesses need to understand all of the dangers that exist out there in cyber space. Knowing the laws will protect businesses and guide employees to stay within the boundaries of the law and keep the company strong.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Frankenstein Final Essay

Frankenstein Final Essay When referring to the following quote stated by Harold Bloom, â€Å"The greatest paradox and most astonishing achievement of Mary Shelley’s novel is that the monster is more human than his creator. † I agree with his statement because it’s vivid to see that Victor lacked on some human characteristics such as emotions and feelings. Despite the fact that after being treated the way he was by others, the monster seeks revenge for Victor’s abandonment and for making him an unbearable scene to be seen by mankind.Throughout the novel, the creature seeks revenge by killing Victor’s love ones one by one. In Chapter 11 when the monster is telling his tale to Victor he states, â€Å"†¦ but I had hardly placed my foot within the door, before the children shrieked, and one of the women fainted†¦and fearfully took refuge in a low hovel†¦ † Yet, after seeing the dark side of the monster Victor is still un-human for h is abandonment of his creation. It’s a horrible thing to abandon one’s creation and very cruel to leave a defenseless thing roams about by itself in the world and hoping that it will die soon.Victor was wrong to abandon his creation because of its appearances; he didn’t bother to get to know the poor monster. The author did a great job making the reader feel more sorrow for the monster than for Victor. The monster has been attacked and hurt for doing either nothing at all or helping others. What made the monster more human is Victor’s thirst for the secret to expand life. He was too involved in the making of his creation that he stopped at nothing at all. Not even for those bodies that were resting in peace in their grave.The most disturbing aspect of the novel was the part when Victor visit graves in the middle of the night and start detaching several dead body without a sense of hesitation. Every night Victor would visit the cemetery to dig up fresh bod y parts and he would take what he finds back to his lab and reattach them together to make the monster. This is very low for any human being. Referring back to the beginning of the story, the monster was never from the start as a violent, aggressive monster instead he was very sweet and generous. The monster shows far more human qualities then Victor Frankenstein.Like every human being in this planet needs a partner or at least somebody that accept them or love them, this specific trait Victor lacked. Victor also abandoned his family to continue with his creation. He did not once bother to take a minute to write back to his neither father nor Elizabeth. He would much rather keep on working then give time to those that love him. On the other hand, the monster after running away several times, has always wanted someone who loves him for who he is. The creature in fact, expresses his feelings far more than this own creator.Victor was often going insane in his mind and could not describ e his emotion toward Elizabeth or anybody in his case. The monster was very sympathetic towards Victor because even though he dragged him from places to place, the monster always helps him stay alive by providing him food. All and all the creature is definitely more human than his own creator. There are many key traits for being classified as a human. In this case, to be human one must have a heart that feels kindness towards anything, show sympathy and being humane. Even human are not human just because they lacked in multiple traits.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Huck Finn Censorship Synthesis

In this modern day and age, everything offends someone. Eating at Chick-fil-A hurts the LGBT community, going to see the latest Adam Sandler movie gets the Jewish mad at you- so why is it surprising that Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is being changed to please people? Whether they be teachers, students, black or white, there need be no change in Huck Finn. And if any change were to be made- that would be censorship. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn portrays a message that cannot be missed about the racist ideals of society at that time.Using demeaning words like â€Å"nigger† and â€Å"injun† serve purpose in Twain’s work. His repetition of ugly phrases like those show just how ugly community values were back then. In Source B, Gribben admits to changing those words to more family friendly terms, specifically â€Å"slave† and â€Å"Indian†. Those are not always correct, though. Often times, â€Å"nigger† is used fro m one African American to the other, to show an acceptance of brotherhood and a communal understanding of struggle. The replacement of â€Å"slave† is not correct in this case, or in others.â€Å"Slave† is defined as a person who is property of another. This is not accurate either, considering Jim, the main African American character in the book, ran away from his owner and no longer held that specific job. Even if he were still a slave, the correction would not be correct at all. African Americans were never kindly titled â€Å"slave†. They were spit at, and the harsh use of the word â€Å"nigger† slapped them across the face like it does to students across the country who read it now (Source D).Taking away Twain’s most purposefully placed word completely takes away from his message. Without the original vocabulary, society cannot learn the important message that Twain is trying to teach. Twain’s use of â€Å"nigger† is like a whole new form of imagery. Many students shift uncomfortably in their desks when they hear it out loud, some will even go as far as claiming to hate the book because of the tense and demeaning language (Source A). This is what Twain wanted.The use of â€Å"nigger† has not changed at all over the years, and ignoring it would be equivalent to ignoring an entire chapter of our history books, one that very much defined our country. The poster-word for the discrimination of African Americans is â€Å"nigger†, therefore Huck Finn would be ripped of its historical accuracy if the word were removed. Twain wants reders to empathize with the book’s victims, because only then would his readers be able to understand the harsh pain of the word. Twain’s message is simple: â€Å"nigger† is not okay.But there is no other way to prove this than to force it upon the reader. Twain was and continues to be a literary genius. His willingness to take a chance and make a reader empathize and feel something is what makes his book such a learning experience. Stripping the book of its most infamous word, â€Å"nigger†, cowards away from its most obvious message. If everything mildly offensive was censored, there would be nothing left to read. So instead of complaining about history, enjoy the beauty of Twain’s book, buy some Chick-fil-A, and the rent the newest Adam Sandler movie- before it’s too late.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The causes of the wage gap between men and women in the United States Research Paper

The causes of the wage gap between men and women in the United States - Research Paper Example Recent statistics show that a typical American female employee working full time gets an estimated 77 cents for each dollar paid to a male worker. This implies that women make approximately 77 percent of the wage earned by men working the same duration of time. The latter statistic is annual, while weekly data places this estimate at about 82.1 percent. Irrespective of the varying nature of the statistics, the irrefutable fact is that there is significant inequality between men and women in terms of wage allotment. The gender-oriented wage disparity has spurred interest among scholars and other stakeholders, to determine its possible causes. This paper provides insight into the wide array of causes of compensation inequality between the two sexes put forth by various scholars. Various approaches have been utilized by researchers to determine causative factors of the gender wage gap. Key among these approaches is multivariate statistical analysis, as well as, focused analysis of statistics. The former examines multiple variables to estimate the extent to which a combination of factors contributed to the general wage gap, while the latter examines specific determinants of wage adjustment aimed at catering for cost differences associated with various workers. From the multivariate perspective are possible causational factors like widespread discrimination in the American labor market, as denoted by scholars like Ruiz and Rivera (2009), as well as, occupational disparities pointed out by Boraas and Rodgers (2003). These and other potential causes of the gender compensation gap are addressed in detail in the subsequent subsections. Judging from trends in the work environment, women and men have opted for notably distinctive occupations. Consequently, the proportion of female workers varies significantly among diverse occupations. Various terms have been utilized by researchers to characterize this tendency including occupational sorting,

Lead like Jesus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lead like Jesus - Essay Example In fact, servant leadership involves the understanding of the various issues of selflessness and focus on the team and not the leader. However, self-focused and self-centeredness are issues present in humanity. In fact, individuals tend to focus on their success instead of the success of the team members or members of the community. Therefore, by nature, human beings tend to be focused on themselves and not others. In spite of the challenges of self-centeredness, when a person matures, he learns to understand that the world is not about how much one can get, but how much one can give to others. The concept of service to others is integral in the development of servant leadership, which is a concept developed by Jesus (Blanchard and Hodges 40). The concept revolves around caring for others and having love. Leaders motivated with self-interest tend to place their agendas, status, safety and gratification above those people they influence. In such cases, the leaders become self-serving and not serving leaders. Self-serving leaders view feedback as criticism and a threat to their leadership style (Blanchard and Hodges 41). They do not offer a chance for the members to contribute to the development of organization or team The heart of a servant leader involves being meek, humble and loving. The depiction of love in all issues undertaken including the disciplinary action will ensure harmony in the group. A servant leader must focus on the well-being of others and not him. Jesus in his servant leadership model employed the use of love in handling the diverse issues within the organization. In fact, in all his decisions, he considered the impact of the decisions on his members. For instance, he did not send Judas Iscariot away, but kept him close with other disciples (Blanchard and Hodges 38). The depiction of love to Judas was to help in developing his

Monday, August 12, 2019

Healthcare Delivery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Healthcare Delivery - Essay Example Also, as identified by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the governments of the different countries are responsible for shaping health insurance markets of their respective countries. Governments either directly develop and implement the programs or take the help of insurance companies to identify, develop and implement these various programs to reach millions of people. Like every other country, the US also has identified the need for implementing health care programs for its citizens. The Medicaid program of South Carolina is different from the US Medicaid program in that it offers four different options for health care and is developed with the needs of the local residents in mind. According to the state's plan, while the existing primary care case management networks offer the regular services as the national Medicaid program, the new programs offer pharmacy benefits and durable medical equipment along with the mandatory Medicaid services. Canada has a medicare program for almost its entire population and is called Medicare program with 13 integrated health insurance plans which share certain common features and basic standards of coverage. The percent of the national health economy spent on providing is lesser in Canada and almost double in the US. South Carolina's new Medicaid program can be considered to be more effective than the federal government's Medicaid program in terms of increased power of negotiation and increase in choice of the plans to the beneficiary. However, it can still draw from the Canadian program to make it more effective and reduce costs and wait time while improving the quality and increase coverage. Table of Contents- 1. Introduction 2. Why healthcare 3. Healthcare in South Carolina 4. Comparing with Canada's National Health Insurance 5. Conclusion and recommendations References 1. Introduction- The needs of every citizen considered under the purview of health care are addressed either individually or collectively by the different private and public bodies. There are various medical facilities and regulations for providing basic and high-end medical care to almost every citizen in each country. Dealt wither by private or public bodies it involves costs to provide for the medical and health care facilities. OECD has regulations for providing health care to the different strata of the society and regions. In this paper we would discuss the health care programs of two different places, South Carolina and Canada, how they differ and why Canada's National Health Insurance scheme is much desired by those in the United States. A brief of the health care programs and their implementation in the different regions and the success of each of them would be studied. Further, the problems faced in implementing the programs and the recommendations for improvements are also made. 2. Why Health care World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity" (McKenzie, et al, 2004, p5). The health of a nation's population depends on the effective utilization of the

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Holy Ghost Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Holy Ghost - Essay Example In addition, once all the members were seated, they started clapping their hands and singing together. Besides, as the congregation is singing and worshipping, the pastor stands up and addresses the congregation; he invites all those who are not filled with the Holy-Ghost to come forward to receive an impartation. Eventually, the services move into a session of prayer; members of the congregation stand and make known their prayers and concerns. Additionally, the congregation breaks out into diverse kinds of prayer including lying on the floor, standing still, and convulsing uncontrollably. The documentary is a testament of what many individuals consider as the ministry of the Holy Spirit, a strange paradox. On the one hand, there are very little theological works on the ministry of the Holy Spirit; there is only a small reference to the issue in connection with the Trinity. On the other hand, over the last two decades, there has been an increasing interest and manifestation of the mi nistry and work of the Holy Spirit, especially in many non-denominational churches in America. The documentary is an example of the Pentecostal movement and subsequent series of the charismatic faiths that led many individuals to a new awareness of the ministry of the Holy Spirit and His spiritual gifts in the lives of Christians. The ministry of the Holy Spirit just as the documentary demonstrates revolves around the work of the Holy Ghost, especially in the lives of believers; the spiritual gifts such as faith healing.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Tourism task 1 UB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tourism task 1 UB - Essay Example of the city is such that it provides access to beautiful beaches as well as rainforests, and thus is able to provide an array of experiences to a visitor (ABS, 2010). The sub-tropical climate is also responsible for making it one of the most sought after cities where people want to live and work. It is well connected by road, rail and air and provides all amenities (ABS, 2010). According to the National Visitor Survey conducted by the Tourism research department of the Government of Australia, Gold Coast is among one of the most visited cities in the country. While the state of Queensland has the third highest percentage of tourists over the last year; Gold Coast is one of the highest in terms of the earnings from tourist activity (TRA, 2012). Queensland had 24% of all overnight visitors in different states of Australia; and 26 – 28 % of all visitor nights for 2001 as well as for the quarter ending December, with a higher percentage for the December quarter as compared to the entire year (TRA, 2012). There were 5,300 thousand inter-state visitors and 11,291 thousand intra-state visitors which shows that the intra-state transit was more frequent. It had the highest number of inter-state visitor nights spent and the second highest intra-state visitor nights which shows that stays were longer in duration as compared to other states (TRA, 2012). Though the trends are consistent across the year, these figures are higher for the summer months than for other times in the year (TRA, 2012). 23% of all visitors came to holiday, and spent 30% of all visitor nights doing so in the December quarter and 26% of all nights spent in the entire year 2011 (TRA, 2012). Average durations of stay were about 4 days, and most (40%) choose to stay in a hotel or resort making up 30% of all nights stayed in a hotel or resort accommodation (TRA, 2012). In Gold Coast alone, people on a day trip spent over 668 million which is 19% of all spending b y day visitors and was ranked 5th in all

Friday, August 9, 2019

Oral PE History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Oral PE History - Essay Example Stereotypical ideas of True Womanhood constrained girls like Wendy into a tightly defined entity in which physical activity was considered too robust a pursuit for a delicate female and negative connotations of the New Woman who was then threatening this Victorian concept further functioned to reduce her available options. To understand how this could be so, Wendy Strain’s life experiences as a child growing up in 1960s suburban Detroit will be related to these social and cultural concepts. Wendy Strain is a 50 year old woman who spent her childhood in a suburb of Detroit in a middle class household with aspirations for greatness. Clinging to the ideals of the gentry of a century earlier, her parents strongly adhered to the concepts of the True Woman. â€Å"The attributes of True Womanhood, by which a woman judged herself and was judged by her husband, her neighbors and society, could be divided into four cardinal virtues – piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity. Put them all together and they spelled mother, daughter, sister, wife – woman. Without them, no matter whether there was fame, achievement or wealth, all was ashes. With them, she was promised happiness and power† (Welter, 1966: 152). According to Poovey (1988), it was by â€Å"linking morality to a figure (rhetorically) immune to the self-interest and competition integral to economic success, [the cult] preserved virtue without inhibiting productivity† thus creating a perfec t world in which men were free to pursue every material pursuit they wished while women were constrained to remain at home and protect the moral and ethical values of the family unit. A woman could not participate in competitive sport under this ideology not only because it was against the nature of the True Woman to participate in any activity that could not be conducted inside the home, but also because it would have introduced this element of competition that was restricted to the male world. Strain indicates

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Implications of the Security Act of 1933 Assignment

The Implications of the Security Act of 1933 - Assignment Example One of the major factors that make up interest is financial management. Financial management is a basic building block as it measures the health and progress of the business. Moreover, financial ratios depicts the relationship of the figures in income statements and balance sheets to give leverage position, profitability, and productivity which have to be balanced by interest and health business (Dlabay & Burrow, 2008). Low leverage ratio gives a business more money for inventory, the advantage of trade discount and competitive pricing (Dlabay & Burrow, 2008). Accounts receivable is also a factor that makes up interest. The account receivable refers to the total amount of money gained from products or services sold. The account receivable turnover shows how the business collects what is owed to it. It also indicates the liquidity of the receivables which is very important when it comes to interest. Having a good banking relationship is very beneficial for a business. Good banking rel ationship allows a business access better loan terms and interest rates. According to Van (2010), bringing the large share of the client’s wallet is the major concentration of financial institutions sales efforts. This is beneficial to a business since the business can access better interest rates than those advertised to the general public. Depending on the overall banking relationship, a business may get lower interest rates on their time of borrowing and higher interest rates on their time of deposit.